The top business trends in your niche can change the entire landscape of your industry, affect customer purchasing behavior, and may lead to innovations. If you fail to identify these trends, you might lose your competitive advantage and possibly lose customers as well. Identifying top trends enables you to gain an edge over your competitors. However, it takes effort, research, and analysis to identify game changing trends.
The following are some of the ways you can identify top business trends.
Use Tools
Your team will be able to identify trends in your niche when they use digital tools. Some of the technology you can use includes social media platforms, online surveys, transactions on your website, review websites, feedback on your social profiles and webpages, and others. These allow you to gather valuable data about your target market. Information you can extract includes top selling products, features your customers liked the most or ones they would like to see, the type of content that attracts the most traffic, and which webpages convert at a high rate.
Insights in the Numbers
Looking into analytics is one of the most effective ways to identify top business trends. The data you gather weekly, monthly, and annually enables you to spot trends in your industry. A certain type of product may see a slow but steady increase in sales as a certain season gets closer or an item you just launched may have addressed a pain point that no other brand has done. Numbers allow you to determine if a trend is profitable and sustainable. Once you assess the data, you can allocate a certain percentage of your resources to profit and benefit from trends, while your target audience is still sharing content related to it or discussing it frequently within their social networks.
Listen to Your Audience
Many companies make branding mistakes because they don’t listen to their customers. Some brands ignore feedback and negative reviews then see their sales plummet and their market share shrink. Always be open to criticism and suggestions from your customer base. They can provide you with insights you might have missed about the features of your products or the services you offer. Provide customers with platforms where they can leave their comments, reviews, and suggestions. These can be in-store forms or online posts on your social media profiles or website. Respond to some of them even if they leave negative reviews.
Create Market Segments
It will be difficult to identify top business trends if you don’t create market segments from your customer base. Market segmentation allows your team to go into detail about your customer’s nuances in shopping behavior. It enables them to determine differences and similarities among groups. This allows them to create customized strategies that improve conversion and engagement rates. It also enables you to identify possible opportunities to grow profits, innovate products, and improve services. Analyzing the numbers within segments provides you with the insights you need to spot a trend and use it to your advantage. You can also use the data to start your own trend in your niche.
Analyze Your Direct Competitors
Competitor analysis provides you with insights into opportunities and pain points they have yet to address. This approach also allows you to learn more about what your competitors do best and find ways you can adapt the same principles for your organization. You can identify trends in your industry by analyzing your competitors. It allows you to determine the types of products and complementary offerings that click with your target audience. Once you learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, you can customize your strategy to gain a competitive advantage. You can then leverage the trend in your favor to boost sales and increase profits.
Study Indirect Competitors
You should also analyze and study indirect competitors to identify top business trends. Those competitors might not target the same audience but might be implementing a strategy or selling a product that you can use for your own market. Study their campaigns, product features, identify possible complementary offerings, and/or learn more about the services they offer. This approach enables you to identify opportunities you can leverage in your own industry. You can mimic your indirect competition’s strategies with a few tweaks to meet your own standards and goals.
Scrutinize Complementary Products
Identify possible top business trends by developing complementary products of best-selling items in your niche. A gap in the features or solution that a product provides gives you an opportunity. Assess the sales figures and study a product to determine if you can create its complementary counterpart. Integrate features that a top-selling product might not have to an item you plan to launch. You can apply the same principle to the services you want to market. Consider bundling one or more products to complement a best-selling item in your niche. This allows you to maximize profits and reach more customers.
Learn from Different Niches
You don’t have to stay within your own niche to identify top business trends. You can analyze what the best companies do outside your niche and learn from them. Study their sales strategies to determine which practices you can follow and implement for your own plans. They might be doing something innovative that no one else is doing in your niche. Their customer service might be top-notch. You could emulate their training program to give more value to your own customers.
Study Trends and Research Reports
Read current reports and research papers to stay updated on the trends in your industry. These reports provide you with insights from various experts. They discuss analysis of short and long-term trends. This allows you to identify if you can still ride the trend or wait and prepare for the next one. You can brainstorm with your team and make your own analysis based on the information you get from the reports.
These practices allow you to identify top business trends and use them to your advantage. If you need assistance in establishing your company in the Philippines, we at Manila Bookkeepers can assist you. Our management team has over two decades of experience in the finance and accounting industry. Visit our website to learn more about our services.